The Possibilities Are Infinite; Certain Is Time (2023)

“Sometimes when we expect one thing, something else happens, which makes us face the infinite possibilities of how time could unfold in our lives.”

Presentation during the “Now Show” @ AKV St Joost in Breda

Two strangers wait for the same train at different stops. A series of coincidental events will eventually result in an unforseen meeting in this very train. This meeting will be the result of contingency; a situation that is possible but never certain. While the passing of time might feel like an obvious given, it is in such occasions the unexpected overwrites the expected, and we acknowledge the different possibilities of any moment in time.

In these two films, I explore the possibilities of time through an unforeseen meeting. Each video tells the story of how the protagonists came to be at the same place at the same time, explaining that everything in life is merely a coincidence.

The Possibilities are Infinite; Certain is Time (2023)

The Possibilities are Infinite; Certain is Time (2023)